Services provided  in simulatioon Center.

As part of the on-going advancement to explore more innovative approaches towards war gaming for tactical, operational and cognitive skill development, simulation wargaming exercises were conducted in the college from 2008 onwards. These exercises provided an opportunity for students to ‘execute’ their plans and challenged them on their decision making and understanding of doctrinal applications.

The “Tactical Training Simulator for Commanders and Staff” is designed especially for Ethiopian army in consideration of universal simulation technologies. This simulator is a complex device consisting of multiple work stations situated in different rooms. Most workstations are equipped with a high-end personal computer system. The work stations are of several types, each specialized for certain type of user. Simulator supports theoretical training as well as practical exercising. Theoretical training comprises of a set of lessons which is open for update and review. Practical exercising consists of a sophisticated tactical training based on constructive principles. A voice communication system provides simulated radio communication among participants over three independent radio networks. The simulator is primarily intended for training the operational commanders and staff of both combat and support units i.e. like mechanized ground forces with supporting and logistics units. It is possible to train the commanders & staff at Regiment and division levels.

The main goal of this simulator is to train the skills in conducting a battle at various level of command, i.e.: Situation awareness, information gathering Situation analysis and qualification Decision making Giving orders to subordinate units Utilizing assigned resources Reporting the situation to superiors Also the tactical planning skills are trained during the preparation of the tactical training when commanders and staff have to analyze the situation a search for the most suitable Course of Action to given tactical situation and plan the Order of Battle. The tactical training replaces the costly way of training the commanders by performing maneuvers in real terrain using real weapons and equipment. It allows checking whether the intended Course of Action to given tactical situation is successful in reaching the mission objectives.